Building and History

OHJE: väliotsikko

<h3> Otsikon teksti</h3>

The gallery premises are situated in the Meilahti, Seurasaari and Tamminiemi park area. The gallery building is surrounded by a beautiful park, formely the grounds of Meilahti manor. From time to time, the old park area is used for exhibitions. The white building designed by architect Tero Aaltonen was built in 1976.

Kuva:Tanja Koponen

The museum organizes changing exhibitions of Finnish and foreign art of different eras as well as exhibitions based on its own collections.


Address: Tamminiementie 6, 00250 Helsinki. Tel. +358 9 310 87031, fax +358 09 310 87030
Open: Tue-Sun 11 a.m. – 6.30 p.m, Mon closed.

Normal ticket 8 e
Normal discount ticket 6 e
Admission is free for children under 18 years of age.
Free admission on fridays 11-16!

Lasipalatsin Mediakeskus Oy ©2001 31.7.2001